Best Tips to Self-Teach Math and Physics Efficiently

Are you struggling in math and physics? Would you like to learn tips on how to “self-teach” math and physics? If your answer is yes, then this article is meant for you. In this article, we shall go through some pretty practical tips on how you can effectively teach yourself math and physics. Hence if you wish to know more about this topic, follow along as we unravel this mystery.

Mathematics and physics are two pretty important subjects. They help students understand how the universe works in a rather broad way. They show students their remarkable potential and insignificance all at once. Through math and physics, students get a clear hint of what the future might look like, what humans could one day achieve. When you perfect these two subjects, you get to view the universe from a new perspective, a broader and more intellectual perspective.

However, many students still seem to not do well in these two subjects; what could be the reason? Well, one reason would be the belief that the two subjects being extremely challenging. Most students assume that math and physics can only be perfected by the pretty sharp student. Hence most students give up even before they try; however, this isn’t the case. Math and physics can be perfected by any student willing to put in some extra work. Hence if you have the “math and physics is for geniuses, you have to change this for the process to work.

Of course, math and physics might be more challenging compared to other subjects. Hence we have researched and combined the best tips to help students teach themselves and perfect these two subjects.


Physics is a pretty tricky subject; hence it requires extra attention to perfect. First of all, you should focus on learning and understanding the basics of physics. That includes the different laws that surround matter, forces that come with nature, and so on. There are many books that you can make use of to learn this stuff. You can also make use of the internet to gather information and broaden your knowledge.

Practical application of knowledge helps students retain the details of the practical’s theory for a much longer time. Hence try experimenting to prove some theories like the reflection and refraction of light. However, be pretty cautious as some experiments can be dangerous; always consult an adult before you do any experiment.

To make the self-teaching process more thrilling, try walking your way up the ladder, not literally, though! I mean, try to start with the easy parts and walk your way up to the more challenging stuff. For example, start from the theories you can prove, then walk your way up to the more complex theories.


Teaching yourself mathematics can be pretty fun and productive, especially if you follow these simple tips.

  1. Make use of books. Mastering math requires a lot of reading, just like physics. Hence ensure you have a couple of books that you can use to study and sharpen your math skill.
  2. Basics. Start from the basics of math and work your way up to the challenging calculations.
  3. Constant testing. Try testing yourself constantly; it helps refresh your mind and helps you catch the parts that you might not have understood while studying.

For both math and physics

  1. Make use of online videos. There are many tutorials made to help students understand challenging concepts. Use these videos to cover the complex detail on both subjects.
  2. Use Q and A websites. Some platforms help students connect and share ideas on different questions. All you have to do is pose a question, and different students try to solve it. Use these websites to gain more information on a topic, question, or a confusing theory.


Math and physics are exciting subjects. We hope that this article will help you teach yourself and gain mastery of the two subjects.

What is the Purpose of Homework in a Pandemic?

Homework is a task that often comes with backlash. Many brilliant students have rebelled against homework, telling their parents “no more homework” and pleading for a weekend where they don’t have to do math or read about the Crusades. Others refuse even to try the assigned work, turning the paper in at the last minute and hoping for a low grade to escape future assignments.

First off, you need to understand why homework exists.  It’s supposed to be a way of giving extra credit or extra workload if your class hasn’t had enough time for everyone.

Purposeful Time

Homework has traditionally been a way to add extra work time to the end of the school day. It is essential because it gives students the time and opportunity to study and prepare for class, and it allows teachers to grade papers and essays when they would otherwise not be able to make it into their classes. Homework can also help keep students in school while at home.

Crucial Questions

Homework can help essayists better grasp their topic and give them time to develop ideas.  Homework also allows the writer to submit their work in an organized and timely way.

What skill or concept am I assessing?

Homework is necessary in some cases, but students who get extra credit for doing homework often don’t use it correctly.  The most common problem with using homework is that it doesn’t provide enough time to take notes and practice tests.

Students who use their books and take extra practice may end up doing better on a test or exam. This helps improve their memory and processing of information, which some schools have noticed a decrease in since the introduction of homework assignments.

Is what the students are learning relevant to their world or culture?

Some students are not getting the best education because their teacher is focusing too much on homework assignments. The teacher’s time would be more beneficial to students instead of copying something from the board or taking out a piece of paper.

A student might have to spend 30 minutes working on a science project due the next day. The teacher would have to spend just as long, if not more, grading it and then redoing it if there are large errors.

Can students make choices or share their voices?

Students who receive homework often can’t choose something different without getting bad grades because it would be against the rules. The tendency to want to please the teacher is strong, and many students will choose what they think will please them.

It means that if a student turns in two papers for an assignment, it may be graded as one extra point even though they used less time than someone else. It creates “pressure for everyone” to do well or else lose points.

Is this a good use of students’ time?

Homework can also be costly or dangerous for students. Students may have to pay a babysitter to help them get their homework done, which is expensive and not always available.  Homework is famous for causing serious injuries from distracted parents, including broken arms and legs falling off stairs.


Homework is a controversial topic that people have been talking about for years. Some teachers claim that homework is the biggest influence on how well a student does in school.  Others think that homework is mostly a waste of time and doesn’t benefit anyone.

What you think about homework depends on its use and what you think is essential for learning. Homework can be a great tool, but it can also be counterproductive.

Teaching Yourself Computer Science

Have you been longing to have an understanding of computer science? Worry no more since you are at the right place. You will get every tip you require to have successful self-learning on your own. Below is a step-by-step approach to beginning your journey. First, you need to ask yourself a question. Why do you need to study computer science?

Reasons to Study Computer Science

First things first, everything we do always has a reason behind it. We find several reasons why you would want to venture into this versatile and vast field. There are many job vacancies in the area that needs people to fill in the coming years. What does this translate to? The people who know the field will be the ones with an advantage and are in high demand. The job is of high security since their going to become of great importance as time goes by. Computer scientists fall in many industries and businesses. Learning computer science alone might land you in lucrative, exciting, and new doors.

Subject Areas in Computer Science

If you want to be an all-rounded student in this field, you have to learn about each subject area that computer science offers. They will guide you to becoming a great student. You can decide and pick two if not one area and have a deeper understanding. Put the ones that interest you first. Why do you have to choose a field? You cannot be an expert in everything in life, and that is where choice comes in. The areas include:

  • Distributed Systems
  • Databases
  • Computer Networking
  • Languages and Compilers
  • Programming
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating Systems
  • Mathematics for Computer Science

The Steps

  1. Learning to Code

It is the most important and necessary step if you want to be a computer scientist. By having this knowledge, you can easily understand computer languages and, in turn, give the machine’s commands. The ability that comes with this skill is knowing how to fix issues arising from programs and create new programs.

Begin coding lessons with primary languages like CSS and HTML. After having a good understanding, move to the complex languages.

  1. Knowing the Programing’s ins and Outs

After learning how to code, you should be familiar with how and why the code you have works. Here you need to understand the interaction between operating systems, software, hardware, and compilers. After knowing this, you can now learn about data structures and algorithms.

  1. Choosing Your Area of Specialization

Computer Science has a vast and colossal study field. So, it is close to impossible to have an understanding of all aspects of computer science. As you continue learning, you will find specific areas that may interest you.

The areas you can specialize in include:

  • Computer and Network Security
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Mobile and Web Computing
  • Bioinformatics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Information Management and Data Analytics
  1. Keep Learning

After clearing the course, you can look for alternative fields that can complement Computer science. As a result, you will stand out whenever an opportunity arises in the job market. Learning does not end even after completing the computer science courses. It extends to even after getting yourself that dream job. The field is a fast pace one, and so it keeps constantly evolving. Be quick to adapt to changes.